Friday, December 5, 2014

Differentiation in Vocabulary

Many students read differently, and many students comprehend a lot different as well. This is why teachers find some vocabulary to be tedious and in the way. How can we change this? Easy!!!! 

I have found that by putting movement to the vocabulary words, kids understand them a lot better. Not only that, but they retain the information a lot better as well! 

Let's practice with the word "Focus". Explain the word with a movement, like putting both fingers on the head, or by making the "ooooaaaam" (monk) pose. 

From here, you can play many games, like 'Say and Do'. This is where you as the teacher do the motion and say "say", and they must say the vocabulary word. OR you can say "Focus-do" and this is where the child does the action for the word. 
Once students get these down, you can even break off to play a game of charades. They love it, and you can do this in different groups so students can practice at their own levels. 
It is possible for higher students to pull out their Writing Bingo to create stories that encompass these words. It is a joy to see. 
Give it a try. 

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