Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Week of School Jitters!

"The hardest part about goin' back to school is learning how to whisper again."
-Family Circus

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I was reading a book earlier today, and it dawned on me...students are not the only ones nervous about the first few days of school! Teachers can be just as nervous or even more nervous! So let me bring up an idea for all those nervous teachers out there, or even those nervous student teachers out there (aka. college seniors like myself!)

Short Morning Meeting!!

Here is what you need to do!
Greeting your new students, on the first day, or on your first day of student teaching...

Have the students and yourself quietly gather in a circle (standing up) in the classroom, or if the whether permits, go outdoors. 
Tell the students about yourself, let them know who you are. Just tell the a few personal notes about yourself, they don't need to hear your life story. 

While you are all in a circle, have each student, including yourself, say their name while doing a movement. For example, "I'm Mrs. Miner" (I say this while jumping in a small circle). After that, proceed to say your favorite color! 
:"I'm Mrs. Miner, I love the color purple!"
After that, the students will do my movement, (jumping in a small circle), and say "Hi Mrs. Miner!". Then the next student goes, and so on and so forth.
"I am Johnny (claps his hands), I like red!"
Whole class: "Hi Johnny (clapping hands)"
"I am Sarah (disco dance move), I love pink!"
Whole class: "Hi Sarah (same disco dance moves)."
I think you get the point!

After this activity is complete, feel free to have the students head back to their seats. If you feel up to it, later on in the week of course, invite your students to each bring a bag that is filled with 3 items that they love or that describes them. Give them the opportunity to share or show them to the class. My bag would have the following: 
Your class will get to know each other very well, and that is a bonus for differentiation! However, I highly suggest this at the beginning of the year...not as a student teacher! Good luck Nervous Nellie's!

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